Monday, August 8, 2011

Hotline 1240-WATN, Aug. 8, 2011

The Hotline on 1240-WATN. Aug. 8, 2011. Guest host Joe Brosk.

1 comment:

  1. Joe-

    Your a alright guy and thank you for giving me time to talk it means alot when someone holds no judgements and will listen and give a benifit of the doubt. Everything I talk about will be connected.This is what I have been doing since day 1 and still trying to do is bring awareness to very difficult subjects that many people laugh off and most of society here in the united states. I say this all the time -I never ask anyone to believe me, I only ask them to look into the things I write and try to disprove me. Mcgurk effect. "Seeing is believing" then these issues and subjects do become a reality in ones true perception. I think you also see the deception within everything.many are awakening everyday . Google humanity awakening watch the videos of the rich and famous the megastars and music industry- Humanities awakening and this cannot be stopped! From 911 to 2012 its all connected.
