Friday, August 12, 2011

Hotline 1240-WATN, Aug. 11, 2011

The Hotline on 1240-WATN. Aug. 11, 2011. Guest host Joe Brosk.

1 comment:

  1. I never ask anyone to believe me ,I only ask them to look into what I say-Not gonna play into their childish games and only wanted to say that and also state that Ive called a dozen and a half times in 6 months not everyday. Now when I call Im not directing towards anyone and shurely will be lowering the radio when anyone mentions my name. No time for the negative and these attacks. Ive heard more lies and made up stories then anything about myself that these clueless callers know. I will not be stopped from calling its public radio and freedom of speach as I lower them I suggest they do the same and lower I. Love 8 Light~!
