Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hotline 1240 WATN March 10, 2015

Hotline 1240-WATN with host Mayor Jeff Graham on March 10, 2015. Community Broadcasters LLC

1 comment:

  1. “Lack of compromise is real hold-up in Arena Project?”

    A major hidden cost in the Arena project is lack of compromise between Council members Jennings, Burns and Mayor Graham, with Councilman Butler and Councilwoman Macaluso.

    This has led to the whole Arena project being framed in a fallacious notion, that project costs can’t be trimmed. Mr. Butler made that notion seem ridiculous at Monday’s Council meeting by pointing out how material costs can be reduced by calling in alternative vendors.

    Now I took the time to go down and speak with Mr. Jennings about this project before the meeting and we both aired our views in candid fashion. My main point to Councilman Jennings, who I supported when he ran for election, was to stop, look and listen.

    I asked him, “Steve how did you get here?” The understood point of the question, was the history of former Councilman Jeff Smith, who also became intransient about what became a major issue – the Zoning change fiasco – which Mr. Smith was unwilling to show flexibility on in terms of code modifications that alarmed Watertown residents.

    At the time I talked it through on several occasions with Mr. Smith, who nearly captured the Mayors job (I supported him) a year before, and advised him if you don’t change your position on the Zoning code you’ll lose. He said, “If I lose Mike, I can deal with it.” Well election night he got his chance to deal with it, because he lost in his bid to be re-elected to City Council.

    I asked, “Steve what’s the main problem on all levels of gov’t today in terms of it functioning in a smooth fashion?” Interestingly enough Mr. Jennings thought
    money was the reason gov’t failed to function efficiently.

    My take was different and I said to him, “No Steve, I really think the main failing of gov’t today is elected officials won’t compromise.”

    Now Councilman Jennings is an intelligent guy, so when he publicly stated at the Council meeting after our discussion, “I refuse to compromise on this issue, as did Councilwoman Burns, I was frankly not surprised, but I was just as put off by that attitude as I was with Mr. Smith.

    The business of gov’t is compromise and when elected officials forget that in my opinion it’s a real source of concern.

    The scale of the Arena renovation is not endangered by bringing in some of the ideas of Mayor Graham – who wants the City to run concessions, -- or Mr. Butler whose comments on materials such as the cost of glass being too high right now are important to consider.

    An events manager is also needed to make this facility work for the public, and that means full utilization of the facility and correct pricing of events to keep costs in line.

    As for myself I sometimes feel observing government, up close and personal is a very frustrating experience; lack of receptivity is at the top of the list.

    Frankly I’d be a lot more frustrated if my tax money went into the purchase of Architectural Blueprints to the tune of close to ¾ of a million dollars with nothing the City can show for it if this project doesn’t move ahead.

    Council Members must be willing to open up the channels of communication, and then be willing to compromise to make this a win, win, scenario for Watertown
    citizens who are footing the bill.

    Mike Flynn ‘Middle Class Mike’
