Tomorrows the Ending of the Mayan Calendar and could be the return date for nibiru- This is our binary star and also known by many names from planet x, gaberiel from the bible,Wormwood and many other names. Could the sun be overshadowed and our ending of the cycle start? Who knows as its known that The Gregorian calendar be right and the date coincide with the mayan. We will see , could be the start of MANY HUGE THINGS TO COME.
Tomorrows the Ending of the Mayan Calendar and could be the return date for nibiru- This is our binary star and also known by many names from planet x, gaberiel from the bible,Wormwood and many other names. Could the sun be overshadowed and our ending of the cycle start? Who knows as its known that The Gregorian calendar be right and the date coincide with the mayan. We will see , could be the start of MANY HUGE THINGS TO COME.