Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hotline 1240-WATN Dec. 28, 2010

Watertown Mayor Jeff Graham's talkshow "The Hotline" on 1240-WATN on Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Your a joke crazyray.
    You take what I say on a blogg and take it out of context and make yourself sound like a degenerate. Galileo was prisoned for stating the world was round, Which it is when back then the world was perceived as flatt.

    And the world is round. Basic laws of physics anwers what and why doing with gravity a closed vaccum of space and who a dimensinal plane is formed.
    Example for the simple minded how gravity takes over if you roll and snowball down the hill it created a round structure. Do to gravity the spinning etc.

    Shows your intentions. Im glad my friend called me and informed what ya said about what I was talking about.

    Love & Light~! learn it.
    Treat one as you wanna be treated
    Ying/yang what goes around comes around.
    And you betch one day it will be biting you in the ass.
